Current Projects


These pages explore large-scale works-in-progress, research undertakings, and future publications.

Curatorial: The Centre for Sustainable Curating

Activism (Tear-Gas Epiphanies: Protest, Museums, and Culture in Canada)

A Museum for Future Fossils (pedagogy, curation, the Anthropocene, and museum studies)

Synthetic Collective (Plastics Pollution in the Great Lakes Region, art/science collaboration, curatorial: Plastic Heart: Surface the Whole Way Through)

Museums (Pop Ups, Alternatives, Fictive-, Anti-, and Micro-museums: Exploring the Edges of Museology)

Curatorial: From Remote Stars: Buckminster Fuller, London, and Speculative Futures

Curatorial: Plastic Heart: Surface the Whole Way Through

image: Plastiglomerate, collected by Patricia Corcoran, photo by Kelly Wood, 2016




  1. Nicole

    Hello Dr. Robertson, I am a Humanities instructor in Minneapolis, MN, US, researching textile artworks which bring awareness to our changing environment, specifically issues of pollution and toxicity. I am particularly interested in collaborative, interdisciplinary artwork and would be interested to know about your current work on Visualizing the Invisible and Unraveled. I will be thrilled with any information you choose to send my way. Your work looks very exciting! – Nicole Hinrichs-Bideau

  2. Kirsty Robertson

    Thanks so much for getting in touch. I do need to update this page! The website for Visualizing the Invisible is here: You can find most of my articles etc. from these projects on my site. I look forward to looking up your work as well!

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