Review: Caroline Monnet’s Uneasy Objects

Pizandawatc / The One Who Listens / Celui qui écoute, a recent exhibition at the Art Museum at the University of Toronto (AMUT), draws its title from the traditional name of artist Caroline Monnet’s family, prior to the changing of surnames in her traditional territory of Kitigan Zibi by Christian missionaries. The Montreal-based Monnet is of Anishinaabe and European descent, and she is best known for drawing on the design traditions of both her cultural backgrounds, exploring the ongoing effects of colonization while simultaneously celebrating Indigenous survivance. Using sculpture, video, installation, and textile work, Monnet is able to deftly connect multiple narratives through—literally, in many cases—weaving together stories and approaches, for example, in Anishinaabe-inspired patterns embroidered onto plastic tarpaulins or cut into plywood….”

Read the rest of the review here:

About Kirsty Robertson

Kirsty Robertson is Professor and Director of museum and curatorial studies at Western University, Canada.